In the spirit of heart day that is approaching, I wanted to show some love to the sites that have inspired me this past year. I hope you enjoy some of my favorites and have a fabulous weekend.

The photo shoots are great, and she's a Chicago girl!!!

{purple blab}
Fun to see all the happenings of starting a new make-up line, and I love Karen!
Fun to see all the happenings of starting a new make-up line, and I love Karen!

Coverage of everything fabulous in San Francisco, with a mix of fashion and decor as well.

{bon bon rose}
Fashion, decor & everything in between.
Fashion, decor & everything in between.

{jen hinton - keep it classy}
My sassy fabulous friend that mixes social media, fashion and everything tech.
My sassy fabulous friend that mixes social media, fashion and everything tech.

{i am stylish}
Great mix of fashion, accessories, wardrobe looks and amazing photos.
Great mix of fashion, accessories, wardrobe looks and amazing photos.

{cc loves}
So much fashion inspiration.
So much fashion inspiration.

{made by girl}
I love her prints and all of the great decor ideas.
I love her prints and all of the great decor ideas.

Love the great mix of design and fashion at this site.