Designers have recently supported the notion of "starting them young" when it comes to attracting new clients.
Oscar de la Renta has joined a list of other designers such as Marc Jacobs and ChloƩ in designing a line of girl's clothing. Yes, that's right, your darling princess does not have to wait until she is grown to own her first Oscar dress and start her flawless style.
This limited edition will take mommy-and-me dressing to such a chic level. The adorable dresses, size 2-6, range in price from $200-$350. One might need to skip out on playing in the sandbox that day, but moms can feel good knowing $100 from each sale goes to The Children's Defense Fund. The dresses might be a splurge, but isn't she worth it? It'll be a mommy-and-me cherished memory forever!
How cute!
WOW!! That read floral number is GORGE!!!!
Not sure I'd spent £175 on a dress for my step-daughter though. She'd probably want to climb a tree in it and get it covered in sap, mud, sticky sweets, and blood from cut knees. I imagine that scabbed knees do not complete the look?!!
Great post!!! These are really lovely.
LBM xxx
Li'l femme frocks are beyond beyond!
Stopping in from SITS — your blog is oh so lovely. Happy FB day.
How great that they are donating a portion to such a fantastic cause!
No way would I spend that much on a little girl's dress, no matter how cute it was! Spent $100 on my wedding dress, a dress I wore out once! That was bad enough but it was exactly what I wanted! You can see a picture of it in this post I did awhile back: "What Does Your Wedding Dress Say About You?" at
Congrats on your SITS day!
Hi checking in from SITS
Cute, but I can think of better things to get a child besides $200-$300 dresses. But at least the designers are giving back
Those are gorgeous! And they support a great cause! I wonder if that would work on my husband when he found the VISA bill? haha Enjoy your SITS day and great post. I love dressing my little bella up in all things wonderful.
WOW! That's a lot of money! But so so cute...
Beautiful dresses, great cause, not practical for the everyday mom.
Have a great SITS day.
Oh Golly! what will they think of next?!
BEA-utiful! Happy SITS day!
Love love love these!! If only money was no object and I had a daughter I could play dress up with! Do not think the BF would like me dressing the son in girls dresses HA! I love Oscar de la Renta, they are amazing!!
I really like this! Happy SITS Day!
Crazy prices, but definitely adorable!
I love dressing little girls!
Stopping by from SITS. Those dresses are gorgeous, but I could never spend $300 on a dress for a three year old who may or may not get peanut butter and jelly all over it. ;) Love the designs though. :)
Adorable of course, but I dont think my child will have any type of clothing that is more expensive than what I wear...(okay, maybe if I win the lottery, LOL)
Happy SITS day to ya.... :)
Cute...but I think a handmade version could come in for much cheaper than that!
Cute dresses. My daughters are now 13 & 19 and do NOT want to dress like their mom.
Who doesn't want their child dressed as adorably as Suri Cruise? Now if only I can convinve Husby of that...
Happy SITS day!
Cute, cute, cute!! And I love that some of the profit goes to charity. Makes it much easier to justify a purchase like that!
What darling dresses! I especially like the mother's dress.
Visiting from SITS-cute dress!
stopping by from SITS.
very very cute........but not sure about the price either?!?!!?!??!
I just had baby girl! I love girly stuff so much! These are awesome!!!!!!
Nope. I don't think it's worth it... luckily I have 2 boys. :)
hi there! I'm stopping by from SITS to say hello :-) Cute dresses!
Gorgeous! NOt in my price range though!
Mommy and me... I love the looks.
Happy SITS!
Very cute and they look very kid friendly in appearance...meaning they don't seem over-sexualized to me.
~visits from SITS
Seems like an awful lot of money for children's clothes. I don't even spend that much on my own dresses! But at least some of it goes to a good cause. You don't hear that every day!
These dresses are adorable...but I'm not sure I'd be willing to spend that kind of money...
Pretty dresses. It's great that some of the money goes to a good cause.
Stopping by from SITS
Good think I have a little baby boy or we would be in the poorhouse by now. Ah ha
I'm such a sl*t for things like this! I would totally totally TOTALLY buy these. No matter how much crap my in-laws talked about me! Apparently, buying nice things for your children is unheard of on my husband's side of the family!
I think if I were going to spend that much on a dress I'd find one by a WAHM on Etsy. But they are very cute.
Gorgeous! But, I cringe at the goop that would be spread all over it within five minutes at my house.
So cute!! Makes me want to have a little one right now.
I love the idea of matching mother-daughter dresses!!! Very cute!
These are really cute, but I just could get myself to spend over $20 on one child clothing item at a time.
Happy SITS day. My kid is a buck so he would just eat that dress...
It's a good thing I don't have kids, I would be in trouble with all the cute options out there. Especially Burberry kids.
I think I agree with most of the others. They are cute dresses but I would almost feel bad spending that much money on a dress when the kid could look equally or more cute in something less expensive. There's lots of options out there! I'm not that impressed by a designers big name and I would probably rather just give a hundred bucks to the charity of my choice. I also don't think I would want my daughter to think it's important or that it makes her more refined than other people to needlessly spend money on a designer brand.....
I like your taste though, minus the price and minus the brand name...
If only I had more $...
That's awesome ... but w/3 little girls at my house I'm afraid it'll never happen! One can dream though right?! Happy SITS day to you!
Never in a million years! They are VERY cute, though. And easy enough to make myself. I think. I'll add it to the project list. Perhaps in 5 years, I'll get to it...
Happy SITS Day!
Happy SITS day!
The dresses are cute, however, I have 2 girls and a boy, so spending that much on 1 item would never happen in my household!
They are cute. But to me its not worth spending on something she will outgrow. I'd rather buy her pearls.
Cute dresses.
Wow, those dresses are gorgeous, but there's no way I could afford to spend money like that, especially in this economy! Happy SITS day!
cute idea!
i'm a fashion whore wallet just doesn't know it....CONGRATS on being the fb of the day....btw - totally love your ode to Christian Louboutin in your blog title...
Stopping by from SITS...congrats again!
Cannot imagine spending that much on a childs dress that they will outgrow so quickly but to each their own!
Juicy actually started this a while back. And though I MUST admit that they are no where NEAR Oscar in style, longevity or class, it was still only $190 total to have both my girls dressed in matching couture. I think I'll hold off on thier big piece until they turn 16.. think debutant..that will for sure make a lasting memory for us both.
Wow...I guess I'm not fashion savvy, but there is NO WAY I would ever spend that much on a dress for me or a kiddo!
Adorable dresses!
Stopping by from SITS :)
I have one little girl in a house of boys. I want those. So cute.
That is SUCH a cool idea. :-) I really need a dress that matches my daughter's...
Cute, but so not worth the money. If I had tons of money I might appreciate it more.
My mind is blown.
Happy SITS day!
Makes me wish I had a little girl!
Very cute, but having a little girl is expensive!
The concept is really cute, but it's nothing I'd ever spend money on! Especially when kids outgrow things so quickly (and stain their clothes!)
Happy SITS Day again!
Happy SITS Day! love the blog!
Wow, that is uber-frivolous! But pretty!
Congrats on your SITS day!
I LOVE a cute dress, but I dont know that I'll be paying OSCAR prices for baby clothes. Still cute though.
Aaah--so cute! Fun to dream about but it wouldn't be fun to spend the money!
I could not wear that, but it would be cute on my daughter
cute dresses! My little one would look beautiful in them! Ah, to dream!
Happy SITS day!
Perhaps in another life.
Amazingly pretty clothes. Price is..steep though to say the least! I guess its money for value, yeah?
This is why I might have to have a 3rd child and pray its a girl!! These are GORGEOUS!!!
Happy SITS day!
I like that half the money goes to charity, but I'm also thankful I have a boy! Pair of wranglers and a t-shirt and we're good to go!
so gorgeous!! wow...I love the bright patterns and they remind me of Suri Cruise haha something she would wear for sure :)
Holy adorable! Is the idea to do Mom/Daughter dresses? I love it! Now if only I could wrap my mind around spending that much money on a dress for a toddler. I think I'd be two steps behind making sure nothing happens to it!
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