Every girl needs a great classic handbag in her closet. As I've mentioned in prior posts, Riki Handbags are a staple wardrobe item that will stylishly carry you through the years. This bag can take you from day to night, casual to dressy...it's a true fashion investment piece.
I love being able to offer Riki Handbags in my shop, and am very excited to share an exclusive offer created especially for my readers. The first seven people to purchase the Noble Rose handbag from my shop will receive it at a 40% discount (use promo code: NOBLEROSE). It's almost as if we are giving the bag away! A beautiful leather handbag for under $300 = a "smart" investment.
View how the handbag was styled to create different looks below to help you get inspired with your purchase.
To purchase your own Riki Handbag, click the button below
(Don't forget to use Promo Code: NOBLEROSE at checkout)
Super cute photos! You look great.
You look so cute in all these pics - so fun hanging out with you. (-:
Cute Pics! So glad large bags are still the rage. I must take the entire house with me everywhere!
Ava, I'm the same way. I have everything in my bag! thx for stopping by.
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